During cell cycle, numerous proteins temporally and spatially localized in distinct sub-cellular regions including centrosome (spindle pole in budding yeast), kinetochore/centromere, cleavage furrow/midbody (related or homolog structures in plants and budding yeast called as phragmoplast and bud neck, respectively), telomere and spindle spatially and temporally. These sub-cellular regions play important roles in various biological processes. In this work, we have collected all proteins identified to be localized on kinetochore, centrosome, midbody, telomere and spindle from two fungi (S. cerevisiae and S. pombe) and five animals, including C. elegans, D. melanogaster, X. laevis, M. musculus and H. sapiens based on the rationale of "Seeing is believing" (Bloom K et al., 2005). Through ortholog searches, the proteins potentially localized at these sub-cellular regions were detected in 144 eukaryotes. Then the integrated and searchable database MiCroKiTS - Midbody, Centrosome, Kinetochore, Telomere and Spindle has been established. Currently, the MiCroKiTS 4.0 database was updated on Sep. 6, 2014, containing 87,983 unique protein entries. The database will be updated routinely as new microkits proteins are reported.

    Please search the MiCroKiTS database with one or multiple keywords to find the related information:  


     ONLY experimentally identified MiCroKiTS proteins                  

For publication of results please cite the following articles:

MiCroKiTS 4.0: a database of midbody, centrosome, kinetochore, telomere and spindle.
Zhengnan Huang, Lili Ma, Yongbo Wang, Zhicheng Pan, Jian Ren, Zexian Liu and Yu Xue.
Nucleic Acids Research. 2015, 43(D1):D328-D334
[Abstract] [FREE Full Text] [Supplementary Data]
MiCroKit 3.0: an integrated database of midbody, centrosome and kinetochore.
Jian Ren, Zexian Liu, Xinjiao Gao, Changjiang Jin, Mingliang Ye, Hanfa Zou, Longping Wen, Zhaolei Zhang, Yu Xue and Xuebiao Yao.
Nucleic Acids Research. 2010, 38(Database issue):D155-60
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